Whippet Club of WA

All Breeds Sprint Tryout Unofficial - Non ANKC - Sun 05 May 2024

Activity Closed

Club Activity
GSDA HQ Passmore St Southern River

****** RUNS SOLD OUT  ******      Sizzle and drink orders will stay open until 10am Tuesday 30 April 2023

To be added to waitlist in case anyone cancels please email club with your dogs details and your details so we can contact you. 

Sunday 5th May 2024
VENUE: GSDAWA Grounds, 23 Passmore St, Southern River W.A. 6110
Entry for this event is capped at 60 dogs to ensure all runs can be
completed. Close of entry if cap not reached/food: Tue 30th April 10am.
$15 per dog WCWA Members
$20 per dog 1st Entry Non-Members, $15 for additional dogs.
** Note- no refunds will be given unless event is cancelled.
Swapping of dogs may be possible at the clubs discretion.
Membership Subs due 1/01/24: (Whippets only)
Eligibility,Handicap Categories & Rules/Information :
1. All breeds over 9months of age are eligible to enter this event.
Dogs under 12 mths can only do one run. Dogs 12mths and over
will complete 2 runs.
2. Bitches in season are ineligible and must not be on the grounds.
Bitches less than 12 weeks post whelp are ineligible to enter
3. Handicap categories
• Under 30cm
• 30cm to Under 45cm
• 45cm & Over
• Unmeasured*%
*% Please enter unmeasured unless you have an official Dogs Australia
Height card for each dog entered. We will check cards and enter the
measurements to put your dogs in the correct category for this event at
check in.
**Please note measurements conducted at this event applies to this
event only.
4. The average time of the runs is calculated against distance to
produce km/ hr then multiplied by the relevant handicap to give
the score in points.
5. Dogs may only run in a flat collar or “Naked”. Dogs may not run on
choke chains, e-collars or prong collars.
6. Dogs must be on lead for safety, unless running in the sprint chute
as the sport is very arousing for many dogs.
7. It is the responsibility of the entrant to ensure they have pre-
organised 2 persons. One to release the dog and one to catch as
the dog cannot run with one person due to time constraints. Each
person must have a lead in order to secure the dog upon
entering/exiting the Sprint chute.
8. The sprint is 100mts plus an approx 50mt runoff section. It is
bordered on each side by barrier/onion mesh to create an
enclosed chute for the dog to run safely. It is the responsibility of
the entrant to ensure their dogs are fit/healthy enough to run and
are accept full responsibility for the actions of their dogs,
dependents and themselves and any injuries that may ensue
whilst at the event. You understand and accept that entering
and/or attending this event, you void all rights to any claims
against the club and venue.
9. As this event is eligible for Battle of The States, only average
km/hr and speed will be published until after BOTS closes off.
Full results will be available after this for those wanting to know.
***Manual entries not available.
Gates Open:
Committee /Volunteers: 11.45am for 12noon start of prep.
* A sizzle is offered as a thank you for volunteers.
All Others: Entry from 12.45pm.
Check-in, Measure & Vetting : 1-1.45pm
All dogs will be measured to confirm their height handicap. If your dog
has a Dogs Australia official height card, this can presented at check in.
All entire bitches (not desexed) must be vetted to check that they are
not in season.
*** You must be checked in prior to the safety briefing or your dogs will
not run as run sheets will be finalised for stewards.
Safety Briefing : 1.30-1.45pm
Warm up: First 5 dogs to run should be warming up from 1.45pm to
reduce incidence of injury. Dogs and handler to release should be at the
entry gate 5mins prior to start or minimum 2 dogs prior to their own.
Handler to catch the dog at other end should be at the exit gate 5mins
prior to start of runs or minimum 2 dogs prior to their own. A board
listing all scratchings will be near the Check in so you can ensure you are
prepared. Please check again after Run1 as occasionally people leave
Event Start: 2pm
Available by pre-order only
Sausage Sizzle- $3.50 each 
Tea/Coffee/Water/Soft drink- $2 each
Sizzle combo- $5 each.

Contact Details
Items available for purchase

Activity Closed

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